As a member of Doches Credit Union, you have access to a range of added services to help you save time and money and make your banking experience an enjoyable one! Take advantage of the many options listed below, and be sure to visit us online for the most up-to-date credit union information.

Direct Deposit/EFT

Arrange for your paycheck, as well as Social Security, military or other government pay, to be deposited directly into your account.

Overdraft Protection

Keep covered with a fee-free automatic transfer (up to three times per month) of funds from your savings or line of credit into your checking account if you spend over your checking balance.

Overdraft Advance

This is another coverage option, which allows you to overdraw your checking account up to a preset amount for a fee.

Payroll Deduction

Schedule automatic loan payments from your checking or savings account and never miss another payment.

Credit Life/Credit Disability

You can’t predict or prevent a debilitating or life- threatening event. But you can prepare for it. That’s what Credit Life and Credit Disability Insurance is all about, helping to protect you during times of disability or death. Because we know that without credit insurance, the effects of a death or disabling event can lead to further financial disaster for you or your family.

Additional Member Services

Take advantage of all our member benefits, including:

  • Money orders
  • Check cashing
  • Wires
  • Notary services
  • And more